Surfaces of
PeopleJanuary 2025:
Lonneke started a 3 month internship at ORNL! December 2024: Genevieve passed her thesis proposal, congrats Genevieve! November 2024: Emilia McCann has joined our group as a PhD student in Applied Chemistry. Welcome to the group Emi! July 2024: Congratulations Svitlana on becoming an Associate Editor for the Materials Today Chemistry! June 2024: Manon Joined our group from France for her Masters internship, Welcome Manon! April 2024: Jayson passed his 660 seminar, Crongratulations Jayson! Dylan, Colin and Emma presented their research poster at the Undergraduate Research Symposium, congratulations! March 2024: Matthew has written and defended his literature review. Congratulations PhD Candidate Matthew! February 2024: Lonneke has passed her 560, good job Lonneke! December 2023: Jaehyun has joined our group as a PhD student in Materials Science. Welcome to the group Jae! November 2023: Svitlana received AVS Fellow of the Society recognition! August 2023: Genevieve has written and defended her literature review. Congratulations PhD Candidate Genevieve! November 2022: Matthew has passed his 560 seminar! Good job Matthew! Max and Emma have been awarded NSF REU Fellowships for the 2022 year. Great job Max and Emma! Lonneke van Eijk has joined our group as a PhD student in Applied Chemistry. Welcome to the group Lonneke! September 2022: Korinne Oder has joined our group as an undergraduate student. Welcome Korinne! Emma Carsten has been accepted into the undergraduate CBE honors program. Congratulations Emma! August 2022: Jayson has written and defended his literature review. Congratulations PhD Candidate Jayson! June 2022: Margaret has successfully defended her PhD defense! Congratulations Dr. Fitzgerald! April 2022: Svitlana gave an invited lecture at the University of Toledo. March 2022: Sam has successfully defended her PhD defense! Congratulations Dr. Medina! Genevieve has passed her 560 seminar! Good job Genevieve! January 2022: Sarah has successfully defended her PhD defense! Congratulations Dr. Zaccarine! December 2021: Matthew Coats has joined our group as an Applied Chemistry PhD student. Welcome to the group Matthew! September 2021: Max Shepard will be joining our group as an undergraduate researcher under the MINES FIRST fellowship. Welcome to the group Max! July 2021: Sarah received the 2021 AVS Graduate Research Award! Congratulations Sarah! May 2021: Sam passed her Thesis Proposal! Congratulations Sam!!! April 2021: Svitlana was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure! Congratulations Svitlana! Olivia Bird received two awards from the Department of Chemistry: the Outstanding Graduating Senior award and the E-Days award! Way to go Olivia!! March 2021: Jayson presented and passed his 560 seminar! Congratulations Jayson! January 2021: Izzy Lambardia joins our group as the newest undergraduate member! December 2020: Congratulations to Dr. Mike Dzara and Dr. Natalie Seitzman for officially graduating from Mines. We are so happy for you! November 2020: Sarah passed her Thesis Proposal! Congratulations Sarah!! We are excited to welcome Genevieve to our group!! Check out her bio here. October 2020: Margaret passed her Thesis Proposal! Congratulations Margaret!! Natalie had an amazing semester and won the Nellie Yeoh Whetten National AVS Award and she also passed her Thesis Defense! Congrats to Dr. Natalie Seitzman! We are so happy for you!! September 2020: Congratulations Svitlana for being named to the 2021-2022 AVS Board of Directors!! This is a great recognition of all of Svitlana’s hard work at Mines and as a member of AVS. We are so proud of you Svitlana! August 2020: Congrats to Sarah for presenting an invited talk, Microscopy-based, Multi- scale Characterization of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Devices, at the Microscopy & Microanalysis Symposium! Congrats to undergrads Olivia and Sara for receiving the MURF and FIRST fellowships, respectively, to fund their research in our group! July 2020: Congratulations to Dr. Mike Dzara for passing his thesis defense! We are so proud of you! Margaret won 2nd place in analytical division as well as the creative award for the 2020 AVS Twitter poster competition for her story-time poster! You can see the twitter post here. June 2020: Sara Kim and Brandon Barton join our group as new undergraduate researchers! December 2019: Congratulations Sarah on successful defense of literature review and advancement to PhD candidacy! Jayson Foster joins the group. Welcome Jayson! October 2019: 20-25 October 2019: AVS 66th International Symposium and Exhibition, Columbus,OH:
13-17 October 2019, 236th ECS Meeting, Atlanta, GA:
September 2019: Sam, Sarah, Margaret, Mike and Svitlana are at the Rocky Mountain Chapter AVS Symposium and Exhibit. Congratulations to Margaret for taking 2nd place in a student poster competition! Congratulations to 4th year PhD student Mike Dzara for being selected as one of the finalists to compete for the AVS Applied Surface Science Division Student Award at the 2019 National AVS in Columbus! July 2019: Congratulations to our undergrads Olivia Bird and Denali Ibbotson for being awarded MURFs (Mines Undergraduate Research Fellowships) for the 2019-2020 academic year! Check out our pics from Mines AVS Student Chapter retreat in Durango, CO! We wrote several scripts for AVS-AIP educational project and explored Mesa Verde National Park. June 2019: Prof. Pylypenko gave a talk at the First Telluride PGM-free Catalysts Workshop Congratulations to 2nd year PhD student Margaret Fitzgerald for passing her qualifying exam to be admitted to PhD candidacy! Congratulations to 4th year PhD student Mike Dzara for being accepted as a finalist for the 2019 National AVS Awards! Dr. Pylypenko gave an invited seminar at UC Irvine titled “Optimizing Electrocatalytic Materials through Multiscale Multitechnique Characterization.” |
ResearchJanuary 2025:
Congrats to Jayson on his recent publication! September 2024: Congrats to Genevieve on her recent publication! January 2024: Congrats to Jayson on his recent publication! November 2023: Congrats to Sarah on her recent publication! October 2023: congrats to Jayson on his recent publication! July 2023: Congrats to Matthew on his recent publication! Congrats to Genevieve on her recent publication! March 2023: Congrats to Mike on his recent publication! Congrats to Margaret on her recent publication! Congrats to Sam on her recent publication! November 2022: Congrats to Margaret on her recent publication! September 2022: Congrats to Margaret on her recent publication! August 2022: Congrats to Mike on another publication! June 2022: Congrats to Sarah on her recent publication in the JES Focus Issue on Advanced Electrolysis for Renewable Energy Storage. April 2022: Congrats to Sarah on her ercent publication! August 2021: Congrats to Mike on his recent publication! Physiochemical Properties of ECS Supports and Pt/ECS Catalysts Congrats to Mike on his recent publication! Chemical transformations of UF 4 under controlled temperature and relative humidity May 2021: Congrats to Mike on his recent publication! April 2021: Congrats to Ami and Sam on their recent publication! Examining Performance and Durability of Anion Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells with Novel Spirocyclic Anion Exchange Membranes March 2021: Congrats to Sam on her recent publication! Toward Optimizing Electrospun Nanofiber Fuel Cell Catalyst Layers: Microstructure and Pt Accessibility February 2021: Congrats to Sam on her recent publication! Congrats to Natalie on her recent first-author publication! Operando X-ray Tomography Imaging of Solid-State Electrolyte Response to Li Evolution Under Realistic Operating Conditions January 2021: Good work Sarah for her recent co-authorship of a recent publication! Exploring the Interface of Skin-Layered Titanium Fibers for Electrochemical Water Splitting October 2020: Sam, Natalie, Mike, Sarah, and Svitlana presented talks at the virtual 2020 ECS PRiME 2020 Symposium. A few group members were also co-authors on talks presented by various collaborators. Good job, SAM group! September 2020: Congrats to Manju for her recent review publication! Surface and bulk characterization of reservoir and cap-rocks: Past, present, and future July 2020: Happy to announce the publication of Mike's latest paper! Characterizing Complex Gas–Solid Interfaces with in Situ Spectroscopy: Oxygen Adsorption Behavior on Fe–N–C Catalysts June 2020: Congrats to Sam for her most recent publication! Utilizing ink composition to tune bulk-electrode gas transport, performance, and operational robustness for a Fe–N–C catalyst in polymer electrolyte fuel cell May 2020: Congrats to Sam for her recent publication! Impact of electrode thick spot irregularities on polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell initial performance April 2020: Congrats Sam and Sarah on their recent publications! Improving the bulk gas transport of Fe-N-C platinum group metal-free nanofiber electrodes via electrospinning for fuel cell applications Tuning Gas Adsorption Selectivity and Diffusion Rates in Zeolites with Phosphonic Acid Monolayers March 2020: Congratulations to Mike, His most recent paper is out: X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and rotating disk electrode measurements of smooth sputtered Fe-N-C films February 2020: BIG NEWS from our industrial partner Forge Nano. We collaborated with both companies and look forward to strengthening our partnership: Forge Nano and ALD NanoSolutions combine forces making atomic level manufacturing a reality January 2020: Three new papers are out: 3D Atomic Understanding of Functionalized Carbon Nanostructures for Energy Applications Fabrication of high-performance gas-diffusion-electrode based membrane-electrode assemblies Mass transport characterization of platinum group metal-free polymer electrolyte fuel cell electrodes using a differential cell with an integrated electrochemical sensor December 2019: Check out what our recently funded NSF Partnerships for Innovation project is about: November 2019: Congratulations to Samantha - she contributed to publication in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, check it out here! Congratulations to Sarah for her recent publication in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. You can see the paper here! Congratulations to Samantha for her recent publication in ACS Applied Energy Materials. You can see the paper here! |
Events 70th AVS Conference in Tampa.
November 2024 Genevieve and Lonneke gave oral presentations! PRIME in Honolulu. October 2024 Matthew gave oral presentations and Svitlana presented an invited talk! GRC on Fuel Cells at Bryant Unicersity, RI July 2024 Matthew presented a poster! 245th ECS conference in San Francisco. May 2024 Genevieve presented a talk and Lonneke presented a poster! 8th BEChem Conference in Estonia. April 2024 Svitlana presented an invited talk! Science Workshop in Telluride, CO. March 2024 Svitlana gave oral presentation! 69th AVS Conference in Portland, Or. November 2023 Jayson and Genevieve gave poster presentations! 244th ECS Conference in Sweden. October 2023 Matthew and Svitlana gave oral presentations! 74th ISE Conference in France. September 2023 Svitlana gave an oral presentation! OREO Workshop at UConn. May 2023 Svitlana, Genevieve and Jayson gave oral presentations! 243th ECS Conference in Boston, MA May 2023 Genevieve and Jayson gave oral presentation! 68th AVS Conference in Pittsburg, PA. November 2022 Jayson and Genevieve gave oral presentations! Svitlana presented an invited talk. 242nd ECS Conference in Atlanta, GA. October, 2022 Jayson and Matthew attended their first in person conference and gave oral presentations! 2022 International Conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry in Minneapolis, MN. Spetember, 2022 Genevieve presented a poster with her most recent work on ToF-SIMS analysis of PTLs! The ACS Colloids and Interfaces Conference in Golden, Colorado. July, 2022 Jayson and Matthew presented posters for the NEXUS Poster and Networking Event at the ACS Colloids and Interfaces Conference in Golden, Colorado. Great job to the both of you! ICE 2021 3rd International Conference on Electrolysis 2021. June, 2022 Jayson won best student poster at the ICE 2021 Conference in Golden, Colorado! Yay Jayson! Svitlana presented an invited talk. 241st ECS Conference in Vancouver, Canada. May, 2022 Genevieve presented her research at the 241st ECS Conference in Vancouver, Canada. Great job Genevieve! ACS Spring 2022. March, 2022 Svitlana presneted an invited talk. 31 May-3 June 2021: 239th ECS Meeting. This virtual meeting allowed us to watch a lot of talks this year. Sarah presented a talk: "Synchrotron X-Ray Tomography Investigation of Fundamental Degradation Mechanisms in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Water Electrolyzers." 25-30 October 2020: AVS 67th International Symposium and Exhibition. Natalie won an award for her thesis work and the rest of the group enjoyed cheering her on virtually! 4-9 October 2020: 2020 ECS PRiME. Although we would’ve loved to be in Hawaii, the virtual setting allowed us to watch a lot of talks this year with participation from all group members. 8 July 2020: AVS 2020 International Twitter Poster Competition Click here to see all the posters! 1-4 June 2020: (postponed) SIMS USA and Surface Analysis 2020, Golden, Colorado 22-23 April 2020: Graduate Research and Discovery Symposium, Golden, CO 20-25 October 2019: AVS 66th International Symposium and Exhibition, Columbus, OH. 13-17 October 2019: 236th ECS Meeting, Atlanta, GA. 30 September 2019: 2019 AVS Minnesota Chapter Symposium, St. Paul, MN. 23-24 September 2019: Advanced Manufacturing and Characterization of Fuel Cell and Electrolyzers Workshop, UConn, Hartford, CT. 12 September 2019: 2019 Annual Symposium of AVS Rocky Mountain Chapter, Westminster, CO. 12-15 July 2019: Student AVS chapter retreat, Durango, CO. |